My heart in doing this challenge is to help us all see that we can make a difference in this world because of the huge ripple effect our tiny actions can create.
Here's a favorite quote of mine that I think matches this sentiment very well:
“The life I touch for good or ill will touch another life, and in turn another, until who knows where the trembling stops or in what far place my touch will be felt.”
―Frederick Buechner, The Hungering Dark
I would imagine that often times I'm misunderstood in what I'm trying to accomplish here. I would imagine that this challenge would appear to be overkill and the blog perhaps disjointed. You're probably right on both counts lol.
But I'm trying to get down to the heart of the matter for myself, and while doing so, hoping to write about it in an inspirational way that brings you along with me.
For me personally, I find the 30 days on $30 challenge extremely demanding, very uncomfortable, a huge hassle, but extremely rewarding!
Benefits. And why you might want to try this, or at least a shorter version of it.
- There's a complete reset on all your perceptions of food, period. Every morsel becomes treasured. You gain gratitude for simple pleasures.
- You become connected with those struggling with poverty in a way that is profoundly empathetic and deepens your compassion for humanity.
- You realize you have the ability to create something out of what almost seems to be "nothing."
- You lose weight if you have some to lose.
- And since you're cooking with very simple raw ingredients that are full of fiber, you're by default doing a 30 day cleanse that I think alone might make it worth it.
- It's sort of a body-mind-and-soul reset, a fast with a clear goal in mind; one that takes determination, dedication, discipline and creativity. Those are good qualities to sharpen.
- If you attach a charitable goal to the challenge, you're inspiring others beyond awareness into action, multiplying your "touch" that Buechner alludes to above.
Speaking of charitable goals...
We are now up to 14 of the 25 hearts filled in my "heart-chart"! Just 11 to go!
This means we're up to $369/mo!
By way of the multiplying effects of our farmlands and gardening projects, these "filled hearts" will create over 2,300 fresh-cooked meals for orphans and human trafficking survivors each month... or 75/day!
That's just 14 people giving a combined average of less than $1/day resulting in 75 fresh-cooked meals being served every single day in our programs.
Key Fact:
Nutrition (and the lack of distracting hunger) is the bedrock that allows a child to focus on her education, the very thing that will lift her out of poverty and countless other risk factors that lead to trafficking.
Are you ready to join in?
Ready to be one of the 25 who will equal $780/mo and almost $10,000/year, multiplied even further by our farmland projects?
Just click the heart-chart, enter the amount of the open heart you want to "sponsor" and follow the steps to sign up!
They will appreciate you more than you could ever know...
On to what I've been cooking up on $1/day...
Thanks for following along!
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