Thursday, January 11, 2024

Days 8-11: $30 multiplied into over 23,000 meals?

It's been a super busy week while also trying to dream up what to do with 3 meals a day using these limited ingredients, so the blog has taken a back burner. 

However, I'm very encouraged by the outpouring of support, the sign-ups which are starting to fill up the heart-chart, people sharing the blog with friends, it's all making a real difference!

I took a look back at the stats among all the blogs I've ever published about my previous 30 days on $30 challenges, and found it encouraging to see that my blogs have a collective total of over 85,000 visits!

My top referrer is a subreddit on Reddit called /r/Frugal

I think this much traffic from people seeking how to live more simply reveals that there's something deep inside us that tells us we are happier with less.

And speaking of living with less, and making things stretch, that's exactly what we've done in my 30 years of work with the charity I founded, Peace Gospel International, and our She Has Hope programs.

It's all about multiplication.

Thanks to the farmlands and gardening projects, along with other small biz projects our local teams oversee, we're able to get the cost of one meal for the women and children in our programs down to ~$0.16 per meal!

So when you think about our little heart-chart here, with its 12 filled hearts now equaling $310/mo, that comes to $3,720 a year, which would cover the cost of 23,250 meals.

So me doing my little challenge here with $30 and 90 meals is now turning into over 23,000 meals and counting!

That's some pretty awesome multiplication, thanks to a few brave souls coming together to make a difference with what they probably feel is a small amount to contribute, on a regular basis.

And it's all about consistency, slow and steady wins the race, one child at a time, one meal at a time, one heart at a time...

If it's a singular point I want to drive home on this blog, it's this:

Every contribution, no matter how insignificant you feel it might be, absolutely makes a difference, thanks to the power of three things:

  1. Togetherness (addition: the hearts added together)
  2. Recurring consistency (longevity)
  3. Sustainability/farmlands (multiplication)

These 3 ingredients = us being an unstoppable force for good.

My favorite African proverb:

If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.

Are you ready to join in? 

Ready to be one of the 25 who will equal $780/mo and almost $10,000/year, multiplied even further by our farmland projects? 

Just click the heart-chart, enter the amount of the open heart you want to "sponsor" and follow the steps to sign up!


I'd like to dedicate this blog post to these kids I met in the Thapathali colony of Kathmandu, Nepal. 

The evening I met them they were eating what looked like a very basic soup or porridge for dinner. It makes my meals from today look like a feast in comparison...


On to what I was able to cook up with $1/day during these four days...

Thank you for following along! I'll be back with the next update in a few days.

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